
Big Events in 2017


In August 2017, theiOS and android versions of idudu (parenting digital content platform) werelaunched.

In September 2017,the first phase of the group's boutique digital content integrated operationplatform was launched.

In October 2017, thesocial edition of Manxiang (iOS, android and WeChat) was launched.

In December 2017,the new management background system of Quting was launched.

Quting client wonthe 8th group publishing award, comprehensive award and digital award. By the end of theyear, the number of downloads exceeded 300,000.

In January 2017, at the Beijing Book Fair, we held the launchconference of three networks integrated children's platform -- mia TV terminal.In June, the App was launched and the "mia star cup" storytellingcompetition was launched.

In January 2017,Manxiang won the case award of "Internet + innovation" from Chinapublishing association.

In March 2017, theManxiang product was updated with version 3.0.

In March 2017, a"contest for the creation of cartoon paintings" was held, and 2,505works were collected.

In April 2017, the"face of Hong Kong" portrait creation competition was held, with 79works collected.

In May 2017, the"One Belt And One Road" theme works collection and other themedactivities were held, and 243 works were collected. In addition, two activitiesof portrait painters were held in the embassy of Chile and the embassy ofPakistan.

In May 2017, theManxiang mobile service platform project was selected into the 2017 annualreform and development project library of the state administration of press,publication, radio, film and television.

On May 26, 2017,Zhongban comics culture technology (changzhou) co., LTD was registered inchangzhou, jiangsu province.

On June 8, 2017,Zhongban Xinda(xiamen) culture media co., LTD was registered in xiamen, fujianprovince

In July 2017,Manxiang Culture Festival was selected into the fashion taste section of thefifth "Beijing Huimin culture consumption season".

In July 2017,"Miya star" was selected into the fifth "Beijing Huimin cultureconsumption season" literaryand artistic plate.

On September 6,2017, the second annual conference of Manxiang culture was held in ChangzhouCity, Jiangsu Province. The annual meeting is sponsored by Jiangsu Provincial People'sgovernment, organized by the Zhongban Animation Culture, co-organized by theChina Changzhou International Animation Art Week Organizing Committee,supported by the Youth League online film and Television Center, Chinafriendship and peace development foundation, and China Animation Group. Hundreds of mediareported the grand occasion of the annual meeting.

In September 2017,jointly launched the "youth to the party and welcome the 19th nationalcongress" cartoon image collection activity with the Youth League online filmand Television Center. More than 10,000 netizens watched the ceremony live 45.1877 millionpeople have read the relevant reports, affected 34.5888 million people ,collected 686 works.

On November 16,2017, hosted the "one belt and one road" animation and game industrydevelopment summit, which was organizedby xiamen municipal government and China publishing group corporation.

In March 2017, CBIwebsite focused on the bibliography, and carried out a comprehensive upgradeand revision in the page presentation and frame design.

In April 2017, CBI WeChatpublic account of CBI network was opened, and the existing columns include CBIbook list, expert views and book fair information.

CBI has openedvarious overseas SNS accounts and established contacts with foreign publishersand publishing houses. Opened account "Exotic Must Read" on You Tube and account"Exotic Must Read" on Twitter, 46 pieces of information and videoshave been posted.

CBI net from onlineto offline, explore the social requirements of "going out", improvethe publishing organization satisfaction, team visited a total of 48 researchunits at the grass-roots level, and To reach the book promote cooperationintention with China light industry press, the Chinese people university press,Shanghai people's fine arts publishing house, people's sport publishing house,the commercial press, Beijing language and culture university press.

Regular program"my book" popup on the online video sites,platforms such as youku, iQIYI, tencent, weibo, WeChat, today's headline andbili bili, so far, Youku has about 7.05 million views and 27,000 followers, IQIYI had atotal of 1.33 million views .Since the program was launched two years ago, thesingle program has been broadcast steadily, with a relatively fixed audience.

Reached a resourcesales contract with Beijing social library through train technology co., ltd,sold 18 issues of "my book" resources.

Completed theproject discussion and prototype design of da-jia reading, divided into foursections: "home page", "classification", "circle"and "mine".

In December 2017,210,000 types of resources were put into storage through the "publishingresource management system".

In July 2017, signedan agreement with Hong Kong "FUN Union" company to build an onlineand offline series of "rich baby" together with encyclopaediapublishing house.

In December 2017,successfully completed the interactive e-books of five apps applicable to appleand android clients, as well as the H5 version applicable to WeChat promotion,which was unanimously recognized and praised by the partners.

In February 2017,under the direction of the company's leadership, through several studies andsummaries on the topic of "resource big data construction", thedevelopment direction of "mining content knowledge value, providing morescientific and accurate content support" was established, and the needs ofthe project "big data knowledge content mining and analysis platform"were put forward.

In June 2017, thedirection of platform construction was preliminarily determined through athree-month investigation and discussion.

And sign a technicalcooperation agreement with "Guangzhou Jitian Information Technology co.,LTD." in the form of public bidding by the bidding company.

In December 2017,completed the development of the "knowledge mining and analysis platformfor big data content", constructed two semantic networks of economy andhistory, and demonstrated knowledge services through "One Belt And OneRoad". At the same time, this project has provided the content foundationfor digital media company's 18-year incubation of knowledge service products.

"Big datacontent knowledge mining and analysis platform" also won the third prizeof "youth innovation project of China publishing group corporation in2017" and "top ten publishing new technology application enterprisesin Beijing book ordering fair in 2018".

Editor in charge :黃慧倫
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